Saddle Tilt and Back Pain: Enhance Your Bike Fit for Comfort
Lower back pain is a common complaint I see when doing bike fittings for clients. While various factors can contribute to back pain, a sub-optimal saddle tilt is often one of the causes. A proper saddle tilt is an important
Rethinking Squat Mechanics: could squatting with “knees-in” provide some benefit?
Squatting is a complex exercise involving multiple joints and muscle groups. Historically, the focus of this exercise’s research has been predominantly on how far your knees travel over your toes or how deep you should go. However, movement in other
Unlocking Longevity Through VO2max: Essential Insights for Fitness Beginners
In the quest for a healthier, longer life, the significance of VO2max (link VO2max Blog) — the pinnacle measure of our body's ability to utilize oxygen during exercise — emerges as a pivotal indicator. Notably, in the critical period of
Muscle Strength: Increase Life Longevity with Strength Training
Increasing muscle strength can increase your life's longevity. In the pursuit of a longer, healthier life, focus often falls on increased physical activity and maintaining a wholesome lifestyle. While these are undoubtedly vital aspects, recent research illuminates a crucially overlooked
Staying Motivated: Using Goal Setting and Social Supports
Beginning a fitness journey can be both exhilarating and demanding, particularly for those new to exercise. Motivation and consistency form the cornerstone of sustained success in any fitness routine. Setting goals and leveraging social support can influence motivation to exercise,
A Beginner’s Guide to Training Zones (VO2 Max) and Thresholds
Diving into fitness introduces a world rich with specialized terms like "Lactate Threshold", "Ventilatory Threshold", and "VO2 max". Understanding these concepts is pivotal for devising an effective workout plan that adapts to your training zones. It is also important for
Exercise and Mental Wellness: Understanding the Connection
The relationship between physical exercise and mental well-being is profound, yet often overlooked. Exercise is a powerful tool that offers significant benefits for mental health, transcending mere physical improvements. This post delves into how regular physical activity can be a
Navigating Through Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness: Insights and Interventions
What is DOMS?Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is characterized as a low-grade muscle injury, causing tenderness to touch or movement and overall stiffness. It typically occurs when individuals engage in exercises that are new or particularly intense, especially if the
Over-training and Fatigue: Balancing Stress and Recovery for Athletes
To achieve their fitness peak, athletes often push their limits. However, it's important to be aware of the potential of over-training. Over-training and fatigue aren't just terms; they have tangible impacts that can stall an athlete's progress and health. It's
Running Economy: A Guide for Athletes
Every runner, from those enjoying a leisurely weekend jog to those prepping for a major marathon, shares a common aspiration: enhancing their running prowess. Amidst the plethora of training advice and techniques, which ones truly propel you to your best?