Elevate your game.

Take your training to the next level through Connect’s Athlete Performance Training. This program aims to make you stronger, faster and more resilient to handle the demands of your sport. Work with Connect’s experienced strength and conditioning coaches who have advanced degrees in exercise science and years of experience training amateur and elite athletes. 

Uncover your potential and drive your training in the right direction.

Our strength and conditioning coaches will consult with you to discuss your needs and goals. Next we’ll do a needs analysis to profile the physiological and biomechanical demands of you in action, and identify areas you need to work on for injury prevention to build your individualized, sports-specific program.

Train for your game.

Perform your customized workouts in small groups with other athletes. This cultivates a motivating and dynamic training space, while still allowing us to support each athlete with plenty of individualized attention.

The Connect difference.

Your periodized training plan will help you optimize your performance and build resiliency to handle the intense demands of your sport. And we’re here to make sure you’re able to stick to your plan in a real-life context. We can continuously monitor your progress and communicate with you as you manage stressors from training, competition, personal life, and school or work. Our strength and conditioning coaches can also liaise with your sport coach or other health professionals to ensure a coordinated approach. 


Single one-hour session – $30/athlete

8 session package- $180/athlete

24 session package- $475/athlete


Minimum 3 athletes needed per group. Customized programming included. Contact us to book your training sessions. Flexible training schedules offered to fit your availability.

Note: GST will be added to all performance training services.

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