Alex Hawthorne

Alex Hawthorne
Massage Therapist

Alex Hawthorne, a registered massage therapist with the Massage Therapy Association of Alberta (MTAA), excels in sports-related treatments and general wellness.

His expertise, backed by a massage therapy diploma from MacEwan University and a Bachelor's in Kinesiology from the University of Alberta, equips him to offer specialized care for active lifestyles. Alex works as a trainer for a hockey program, a role fueled by his passion for understanding and meeting the diverse needs of athletes. He skillfully integrates therapeutic techniques like deep tissue massage, trigger release, and neuromuscular therapy, complemented by Myofascial Cupping. Committed to holistic health, Alex focuses on injury prevention and recovery, empowering clients through education and customized treatment plans.

Specialty Massage Therapist
Degrees Bkin, RMT
Work Days Tuesday Thursday Friday